So far we've been to 3 appts. I know, I know... We're only 11 weeks (and some change) along, why so many appointments. With a little medicinal intervention and the help of an amazing specialist with super powers (okay, that's an inside joke between the doctor, Toby, and myself) we've finally got this little stinker to stick. Praise God!!
I hope to keep everyone informed of our progress with regular posts. (I'm very excited to be a blogger!) While I know this is kind of a lame way to "talk" to people, unfortunately, God hasn't blessed me with unlimited cell phone minutes or an excessive amount of hours in my day to contact everyone... SO, this will have to do. Plus, I really needed to catch up with my blogger friends - I'm way behind.
Our sweet little baby at 8 weeks 5 days - a trip to the ER which landed me on strict bedrest for a loooong 4 days. However, this is definitely my favorite ultrasound pic to date. The baby is on its back (head to the right) and if I look close enough, I'm pretty sure I can see its little nose.

The baby at 9 weeks 2 days... This one's kind of weird, but it's head is at the bottom and the bright spot in the middle is where its little heart is beating. And in the upper right is its little feet and for those who are REALLY interested, the umbilical is there too. It was the first time we could see that, so we thought it was pretty neat.

And for the most recent... this is today's appt at 11 weeks 2 days. Good luck deciphering this one. :) All I know is that the head is at the top and the feet are at the bottom.