So this week has been slightly stressful for me. Monday morning as I scurried out of the front door for work - running late as usual - I locked the door behind me and headed down the sidewalk to the car, when my path was disrupted by the loud mewing of what sounded like a fairly young kitty hiding in our Mexican Heathers. So I spent about 5 minutes attempting to coax it out of the plants, all the while it was just mewing and mewing and mewing. Finally, I caught a glimpse and thought - oh no, it's a kitten. At that moment, I had to make a decision... get the cat out and feed it or go to work. So, I ran to the car, dropped off my things, darted back to the house, unlocked the front door, and grabbed all I could find that would help out the cat - a bowl of warm milk and some dry dog food that I thought would soften enough for kitty to eat. I dropped off the bowl outside by the plants and kitty sprinted out and immediately began lapping the milk. With a sigh of relief, I headed to work - 10 minutes after my already late morning.
That morning at work, I sat at my desk thinking... hmmmm... I don't think kittens are supposed to drink cow milk. So I did some googling and everything I saw read, "Don't give kittens cow milk." Great... So at lunch, after I had a few hours to process the homeless kitten hiding in my plants, I scurried home and gave it some of Karly's canned dog food. It didn't seem to be too picky at this point. For the rest of the week - up until last night - I fed kitty 3 - 4 times a day. It was so skinny when I first found it Monday morning and by last night it looked to be semi-healthy. I would feed it warm kitten formula mixed with delicious cat food (I'm just assuming it's delicious - I didn't taste it) like oceanfish with salmon and chicken/lamb.
So, the most stressful part of the entire week... as I'm sure many are aware... pregnant women aren't supposed to be around cat feces/litter, especially stray cats, and even more especially, stray kittens as most are still carrying parasites and haven't been vaccinated appropriately. So everyday this week, I've been haunted with the thought of toxoplasmosis... the parasite that is carried in cat feces. ugh... I know, gross. I did play with the kitten - a lot - probably at least an hour a day. And it used our flower garden as a litter box. does smell a little funky by our front door. (Again, gross, I know.) All week, Toby and I tried to find kitty a home and FINALLY... FINALLY... an engineering manager he works with said his mom and dad wanted a new kitty and he would come get it. And he did!! That's the best part. After an exhausting search for kitty last night - it had gone off exploring when it started to get dark - I finally found it. This search involved me crawling around the yard 4 houses down on my hands and knees saying, here kitty kitty, while people drove by and walked... very interesting I'm sure. Kitty is now on its way to Brenham where it will be a country cat with a good home. YAAAYYY!!
So, now, my only thoughts are... certainly, my tender animal heart could not have caused me to contract toxoplasmosis, thus putting the health of our unborn baby in danger. Dear God, please keep baby safe and healthy...
So long sweet kitty, so long... I hope you live a long and prosperous life and catch lots of mice, birds, and snakes.

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