So while Toby was buying a gun that he swears he'll be able to use when zombies take over the world, and Dad and Paul were killing Bambis - Mom, Jamie, Maddie, and I were roaming around the country fighting off allergies and fire ants. But, really, we went to a Jersey cow farm where we learned that Blue Bell uses milk from jersey cows for their ice cream because it has the richest flavor. Other than that, we didn't learn too much. I'm sure it was a bit more fun for Maddie despite the fact that she was attacked by a slobbery black lab, which led to a slight breakout on her face. She got to bottle feed a baby calf that was in calf jail and she tried to feed a rabbit a Cheerio, but ended up giving it to the chicken. Yep... that was our trip to the jersey cow farm.

Other than that, Maddie recently got a John Deere Gator from Grammy and Grampy and she's bravely learning how to drive it. She hasn't quite got the pedal and steering thing down - you know, both need to be done at the same time - but I'm sure she'll figure it out soon.

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