Well, it was my original intention to post a blog on a weekly basis - or at least every two weeks - but clearly, that isn't happening. So now I find myself trying to play catch up. December... what happened during the month of December... Well, Toby and I had both of our Christmas parties. At my Christmas party, I must confess that we (though Toby would say him) won over $200K at the craps table. Yeah, so, it was fake chips; but, as our luck would strike, we had over 200 raffle tickets that we put in a raffle prize bag and actually did NOT win anything. We never win. EVER! So long $100 Starbucks gift card. So long spa package... maybe next year. **Toby would like me to add that he did not want those raffle prizes. There Toby... it's been declared. He wanted the iPod; however, since we have 3 iPods currently (2 of which are out of service), he did not win that battle.
Anyhow, I thought it would be fun to reminisce from Toby's first Technip Christmas party. This is us in 2007:

And here we are this year - 2009: (Not sure what the Hollywood theme has to do with Christmas)

Time sure does fly when you're having fun! Notice my growing belly... And to think, in 2007, Toby had no idea what he was in for. :)
Other than Christmas parties and the end of my 2nd to last semester in my MBA program (yay for 3 A's this semester!), we've done nothing more than work on baby Allen's room. Toby had this grandious idea to paint stripes on the wall - and not just any stripes, these are meticulous stripes. He's been doing a wonderful job and I'm so proud of him for taking on this task. I'll definitely be posting more pictures of his room soon, but for now, this is all you get...
I guess the "theme" would be monkeys. I was determined to not have a bedroom that looked like a zoo threw up in it, so we've managed to just scatter some monkeys here and there. I absolutely LOVE the bedroom... it really is perfect. I was so motivated last weekend that I actually managed to redo the bathroom as well. So now, baby Allen has a monkey bathroom. Gotta love it!
OH! And for you northerners (you know who you are) reading this... I would just like to say... it snowed in Houston this year. I think it came down for a couple of hours and was entirely melted within another two hours, but nevertheless, it felt just like Christmas - a little early. Here it is - our big snowfall - isn't it gorgeous???
And that's about it for our December. We had a wonderful Christmas break; we managed to spend a little bit of time with my parents, Toby's mom and step-dad, and Toby's dad. For Christmas, Toby got me a fancy sewing machine. I'm VERY excited to use it; if only I could figure it out. :) Someday... someday...
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!!!! Happy New Year!
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